Momentum is a resource designed to encourage, equip, empower, and engage Colorado Baptist Ministry Leaders. Here you will find new content added weekly and full access to articles as well as our Archives.

New Topic


For the month of October, we are focusing on the “Impact of Pastors.” As we consider a world without pastors and ministers, where would lives be? What would our communities be like? How would our marriages, our children, and our churches be with no shepherd? We are thankful for the gifts God gives us in pastors.

New Topic

Colorado continues to grow at a rapid pace creating an incredible opportunity for us to work together to reach our state with the life-changing message of Jesus. This year’s theme for Colorado Missions Offering is We Are Sent and our articles this month will focus on the mission of God to disciple Colorado for Christ. Imagine how much we can do for the kingdom of God when we partner together to advance Gospel Impact!

New Topic


According to Barna Research, 60% of pastors in 2023 reported that they had gone through a period where they significantly doubted their calling as a pastor or minister during their tenure in ministry. Over the years, pastors have seen a drop in their job satisfaction, their confidence in their calling and their overall sense of well-being. Ministry is a multifaceted, complex vocation that God calls us to.

For this new series, Momentum is focusing on Ministry Resilience. We connected with local pastors and leaders to talk about aspects of ministry resilience and pray that these articles will be a blessing to you to remain faithful in the ministry setting and calling God has for you.

July Topic

Rethinking Succession Planning

According to Lifeway research, “The church is at a tipping point. Over the next five to 10 years, the local church’s decisions will either prepare it for closure or to seize the future for the kingdom. The second-largest generation, the Baby Boomers, will soon no longer be in a position to lead. Today, Boomers are 58 to 76 years old. Is the church prepared for the extreme shifts during this rapidly approaching transition? Is the church constructing a succession plan for when current Boomer leaders are gone?”

June Topic


For the month of June, we are focusing on the theme “Why We Partner.” The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a body of like-minded churches cooperating together to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Though churches in the convention are diverse in size, culture, age, ministry setting, location, language race and ethnicity, worship style, and theological perspectives (all within the framework of historical biblical orthodoxy) they all are like-minded, confessionally and doctrinally missional. This month we have the privilege of reading from our denominational ministry entity leaders from their perspective of the importance of partnership. We have:

  • Dr. Iorg – President/CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee
  • Paul Chitwood- President of the International Mission Board (IMB)
  • Kevin Ezell- President of the North American Mission Board (NAMB)
  • Mike Proud- Executive Director of the Colorado Baptist General Convention (CBGC)
May Topic

Helping Raise the Next Generation into College Ministry

According to Lifeway research, “two-thirds of those who attended church regularly for at least a year as a teenager say they also dropped out for at least a year as a young adult.” In this transition of most teenagers/young adults, many things are changing. Some are moving away from home to pursue a degree. Others are beginning their career or joining various types of services to serve this country. But one thing is for sure; all are experiencing more responsibilities and for the first time making critical decisions for their lives. These are crucial times that most often define and set the trajectory of lives. For the month of May, our prayer is that these articles will help equip and encourage ministers to think and strategize how to help those in this transition.

April Topic

Things I wish I knew when I started ministry

For the month of April we will be be hearing from pastors and ministry leaders about what they have learned and wish they’d known at the beginning of their ministry. 

March Topic

The Emotionally Healthy Leader

February Topic

According to LifeWay Research, 27% of churches have directly seen congregational members deconstruct their faith. Though this content is different than Momentum’s normal publication, we want to encourage leaders to listen to the thought-provoking podcast Reconstructing Faith. We encourage leaders to reflect on this current culture of deconstructing faith with their ministry team and discuss issues in their ministerial context.

January Topic

The call to ministry is a spiritual journey that is often navigated by pastors growing in their relationship with God and communicating with those they lead. There is joy in serving in this call but every pastor faces difficulties as they serve the church. This month, Momentum looks into several Myths in Ministry that offer challenges to pastors including: I can, and should, do it all; You can’t give feedback to volunteers; You can’t be friends with those you serve; and Conflict is bad. Each week you’ll find pastors and ministry leaders offering advise on these topics.

December Topic


As 2023 comes to a close, it is a great time to reflect on all the ways God has worked through our churches across Colorado. We want to thank all of our authors that contributed to Momentum this year and to our readers for connecting with this resource and the feedback you’ve given along the way. Over the next few weeks, we will post the Top 3 articles of the year. 

November Topic

Do you know your neighbors? The Great Commission mandates us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The nations have  arrived at our doorstep yet many of us have not met them or others in our neighborhood. Others of us have seen a variety of people groups in our communities, but we don’t know how to engage them with the Gospel. This month we will look closely at resources and opportunities to offer encouragement as we share the Gospel with our neighbors. 

October Topic


If we are going to walk in alignment with Scripture we must seek partnership, fellowship, partners, and participation with others in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are no “Lone Rangers” in God’s plan to be witnesses who make disciples. If the work of God is going to be effectively shared in our communities, we must partner. 

September Topic

Gen Z

For centuries, reaching the next generation is crucial for the church. Do you believe Generation Z is interested in Jesus? Many do, and this month we are trying to discover how to best reach them with the gospel. 

August Topic

in the gospel

In the month of August we are focusing in on the importance of partnerships we share across the state in order to move the gospel of Jesus Christ forward. Associational and convention partnerships. Church planting partnerships. A partnership of one church with two languages and the same gospel and mission. We truly can do much more together than we can apart.

July Topic

Building Amazing Leadership Teams

What makes a good team? In sports, if you don’t have team chemistry, you’re not going very far. In business, it’s just as difficult. Inc. Magazine found that “only 1 in 5 hires are considered successful”.

So, what makes a good church leadership team? How do we take the guesswork out of our search processes and find the right fit for the right time? During July, we will have new articles each week that will address this subject.

June Topic

Co-Vocational Ministry

Many Christians see their work as nothing more than a necessary evil. They don’t understand how their “ordinary” everyday life is part of the mission of God. However, a proper and biblical understanding is that all Christians are called to “full-time ministry,” doing work well for the glory of God, regardless of their specific vocation (1 Corinthians 10:31).

May Topic

at home

Culture aims to offer tips and tricks to families on parenting, marriage, and education. As Christians, how do we need to go back and test this advice against God’s Word? By doing this, it provides the framework needed to filter the new things we hear and see.

April Topic

Navigating Cultural Divides in your Church

As ambassadors of Jesus, we must acknowledge that faithfulness to him requires us to communicate the gospel truth in a way that honors how Jesus modeled the great commission. What we say, how we say it, and when we say it all matter if we want to be an effective witness to the message and character of Jesus in our current cultural climate. 

March Topic

Church Growth

What comes to mind when we think of church growth? Are we only thinking numerically?

Momentum looks deeper into this subject to be reminded that we must live each day in faithful obedience to God and allow God to build His Church!

February Topic

Avoiding Burnout,
Spin Out
and Sin Out

Being a pastor and leader comes with its own unique set of challenges. This month, Momentum connects with pastors and leaders from around the state in managing the daily stress and avoiding pitfalls while still impacting God’s kingdom.



Have a plan

“for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,


Disaster Relief