it’s time to share the

good news!

What good news? The good news that Jesus is risen from the dead. The good news that Jesus conquered death. The good news that his power can save us from our eternal destination separated from God. To “evangelize” means to share the good news! To bear witness to the good news is to testify to the transforming power of Christ in us, and how someone else can be reconciled in their relationship with God.

Every person living today is on a spiritual journey to find completeness. We were created this way, but we were created to find that completeness in God, our maker. Through sin, we look for other ways to find completeness, but we are always left wanting. Yet, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, so that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God. We can have eternal life if we will believe and receive Christ, and repent of our ways. And this free gift of God is offered to everyone!

Do you need help knowing how to share your faith? Does your church need help training its members in how to share this good news?

Let us know how we can help you!

Rick Ackerman

Director of Convention Strategies