Reconstructing Faith 

How to use this content- According to LifeWay Research, 27% of churches have directly seen congregational members deconstruct their faith. Though this content is different than Momentum’s normal publication, we want to encourage leaders to listen to this thought provoking podcast. We encourage leaders to reflect on this current culture of deconstructing faith with their ministry team and discuss issues in their ministerial context. Cheers!

In his very first episode of the podcast Reconstructing Faith, Trevin Wax, vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board, dives right into the heart of the issue, the loss and or damaged credibility of the church. Trevin highlights how leadership failures of various kinds have contributed to this issue. As you listen to this episode, here are some questions for reflection. 

Are we in the darkest of times?

John Dixon suggested that our current time might be one of the darkest times of church history (the discovery of prevalent child sexual abuse and the incessant efforts to conceal it).  If John is right in his assessment, does this create a sense of priority or urgency to address or implement accountability? How do we maintain accountability within our sphere of leadership in our local churches? What discussions/conversations are we having with our leaders/congregation?

How much should we care?

Nathan Finn articulated biblically what it means to be above reproach from a holistic witness approach. Just like an apple seed produces an apple tree resulting in apples, so should the words and actions of people reflect their conversion and regeneration. Our faith and deed should be in line with one another, so if the world rejects our witness, they are wrongly rejecting Christ in His goodness and justices. Jesus said in his prayer, “everything I have is yours, and everything you have is mine, and I am glorified in them” (Jn 17:10 csb). What a sobering yet weighty thought, Jesus is glorified by the church. What does this mean? Does Jesus bear the mark of the church? Could it be that our witness contributes to the salvation of others? 

“Our task is to see the opportunity that accompany every challenge and to see the challenge that accompanies every opportunity.”- Trevin Wax

What Now?

“Our task is to see the opportunity that accompany every challenge and to see the challenge that accompanies every opportunity.”- Trevin

As Trevin Wax stated we cannot forget that our foundation is good and eternal which is why we are called to cease every opportunity that is accompanied by every challenge and engage every challenge that accompanies every opportunity. How do we reconstruct our faith? How do we orient our ministries to not only powerfully display our witness for Christ but at the same time experience His redemptive power?

Content used with permission by Trevin Wax (Vice President of resources and research at North American Mission Board- NAMB)