Where Do We Go from Here?

By Doug B. Lohrey, Interim Executive Director

I am constantly asked this question and not just since COVID. Many of us ask this question at various times in our lives. Maybe we have just finished a big project and we look around and think, “where do we go from here?” I had a friend that just finished his Doctorate of Ministry and he said, “where do I go from here?” We might be thinking about COVID and think, “where do we go from here?” I believe that this is a question we ask all the time, and if we don’t then I am concerned. I want you to know that God has the answer and he doesn’t want us to just sit, wait, and be inactive. He says that we are to press on!

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

As you read this passage you see in verse 13 a statement, “forgetting what lies behind.” That statement is very interesting. Can I really forget what lies behind? Well probably not, but it means to not let the things in your past control you now! That is easier said than done, but my God is more concerned about your today than he is about your yesterday. Let me stop and say, if you are unsaved then God does want you to deal with your yesterday and He has already paid the price for your yesterday, but He wants you to ask Him for forgiveness of your yesterday sins. God does not want you to let your past control your future. Whether that past is amazing or whether it is difficult … God says “press on.” I want you to know that your Colorado Baptists and Foundation staff are pressing on. 

The Bible passage goes on to say, “straining forward to what is ahead.” Yes, that is what I am doing, and that is what your staff is doing here at the Convention and the Foundation. We are “straining” with all that we have to reach out to our churches and to the people of those churches. We are so excited to be a part of your Next Step, or to be a part of your next activity or concern, whatever that might be. I recently had a church reach out because their treasurer had passed away, they were in need and my staff at the Foundation met their need. Our staff is in the habit of doing just that, meeting needs for our churches.

As your Interim Executive Director let it be known that I am excited to come alongside of you. I am here for you and available. Contact me at any time. 

I do have one request. Please be in prayer for the Executive Director Search Team. They are seeking the Lord and working diligently to lead and guide as the Lord directs. Pray for them and pray for our new Executive Director, whomever that may be. I am excited to see what God is going to do.

As I close, it is my hope that I will see you at our Annual Meeting this year! It has been way too long and I can’t wait to see you, my friends. We are so excited to be able to gather together once again and we anticipate all that God is going to do! Until then, Let’s press on, forget, and strain forward.