Are you interested in planting
a church in Colorado to reach
people with Christ
Colorado Population
5.6 million
92 %
Not-yet followers
of christ
Languages Spoken
The population of Colorado in 2000 was 4.3 million people. Now it has grown to over 5.6 million, and continuing to grow at an increasing rate. The draw of the majestic outdoors and a strong economy is bringing people from all over America and the world to engage in industry and share life here.
Of those 5.6 million, however, 92% are not-yet followers of Christ. Throw a rock and hit a need! Not only do we need strong established churches championing the need of reaching more people with Christ, but it will take an equally strong effort of church planting to reach the ever-growing population.
As in most places, Colorado is filled with diversity of cultures. There are urban and metro areas of the Front Range stretching from Ft. Collins down to Colorado Springs, including Denver. There are also the Eastern plains, Mountain communities, and towns of vast rugged Western Colorado. Sprinkled throughout are also over 175 languages spoken by people living in Colorado.
What will it take to reach all the different peoples living in all of our communities? It will take bold proclamation of the Gospel, and strategic contextually appropriate efforts to connect effectively to the diversity of cultures God has entrusted to us.
We are looking for church planters, families, and team members who have a passion to blaze new trails and reach people with Christ!