Inviting Colorado churches into a
Next Step Journey to accelerate
Gospel Impact
Inviting Colorado churches
This is an important word to us, since all of our churches are autonomous and choose to work together. As a state convention, we are not here to tell your church what to do, nor what to be a part of. We are “inviting” you into this process. You opt in, you sign up. It’s your choice!
Next Step Journey
How can a convention be relevant to its churches when every church is different? Every church has different leaders, different members, different communities, and different gifts and resources. Every church has a Next Step though. The convention is inviting you to discover your next step, as we come alongside you through the journey.
Accelerate Gospel Impact
Your church is already having Gospel impact in your community. How can we as a convention pour fuel on the fire and see a movement of God as each of our churches collectively take their next step!
How Can We Help You?
Our Strategy is a 4-step process to help you: Discover, Design, Engage, and Celebrate!

Discover Your Next Step
Every church has a Next Step. What’s yours? We have partnered with Auxano, a leading ministry organization helping churches bring clarity to their vision, to assist our churches in discovering their Next Step.

Design Your Road Map
Having a strategic plan to achieve your Next Step is key to focusing your church’s people, resources, and efforts to have a greater Gospel impact together. Your Next Step Guide will help you design a road map that is customized to your church.

Engage Your Journey
Now that you have a road map, engage the journey to see culture changed and communities transformed! As a convention we will come alongside of you to cheer you on and look for opportunities to resource you.

Celebrate Gospel Impact
The journey may be long and wearisome at times, but taking every opportunity to celebrate what God is doing is vital to our momentum. We want to help you look for how God is at work, and celebrate as a church how the Gospel is advancing in your community.
Discover your Next Step today.