Lugos Make Move to Mountains

lugos move to mountains-min

By Claudean Boatman

Richard and Amy Lugo moved from Colorado’s mountains nearly 20 years ago because making ends meet was almost impossible for the growing family. The couple took a circuitous route back to where they never wanted to leave. In the meantime, God prepares them for this season: planting an Hispanic church in Summit County.

Amy came to faith in Christ when they lived in Vail. Richard, a native Puerto Rican, met Jesus when the family moved to Iowa, Amy’s home state. They served through Disaster Relief during Hurricane Katrina. They formed relationships with other volunteers, some of whom lived in Arkansas. Visiting them prompted a move to Arkansas. There Richard received theological training from an experienced Hispanic pastor who taught Spanish-speaking men how to study the Bible and to pastor churches. Richard became a bi-vocational pastor. The Lugos also adopted their son, Joe, while they lived in Arkansas.

After ten years, the couple’s two older children were nearly grown. One remained in Arkansas when Richard accepted a call to pastor a church in Caspar, Wyoming, another bi-vocational position. Wyoming was a place the couple enjoyed. A downturn in the oil business, though, led to their return to Arkansas eighteen months later. They left their second child in Wyoming to attend college. Richard served as interim of an Hispanic church he helped start in 2006 while the pastor—the same one who trained him initially—took a much needed respite.

About the time the pastor was ready to transition back into ministry, Amy “got brave enough” to voice her desires. One Sunday she told Richard, “I don’t want to be here forever. I want to be in the mountains.” Richard said, “Okay.” They moved to Dacono in July 2017.

“While we were here, we were praying about what we could possibly do to serve again, in what role. We didn’t know what God was going to open up,” Richard said. They visited churches and talked to pastors. Through Richard’s co-worker they connected with Nelson Road Baptist Church, Longmont. That church was a good fit, and Pastor Gerald Brock promised to introduce the Lugos to state Baptist leaders.

After pastoring existing churches didn’t seem like an option, Lugo had a conversation with Frank Cornelius, Colorado Baptists’ Lead Church Planting Catalyst. Cornelius affirmed the need for Hispanic church planting in nearly every area of the state. Lugo responded, “I said, ‘Frank, to tell you the truth, if God opens a door for us to church plant in the Rocky Mountains, in the High Country somewhere, I would think I’m right next to heaven.’”

Lugo said Cornelius answered him something like this, “Funny you mention that. We have some people praying for this particular need, and we’re having difficulty finding workers that have your background.”

In January, the Lugos made three trips to the High Country, asking God to reveal the right place for them to serve. God closed doors in Eagle and Garfield counties and opened the door to work with The Church at Agape Outpost in Breckenridge.

“God is showing us how big He can be in granting almost the desires of our heart, as well as fulfilling a need. At the same time, we come to find out there’s tons of people praying for this, and we didn’t know about it,” Richard said. “Prayer is, in the simplest form, our communication with God. It is one of our most effective tools and privileges we have—to be in communication with our Lord and Savior.”

Ways to Pray for the Lugo Family

Pray specifically for the Lugo family as they relocate to Breckenridge.

  1. Pray for the Lugo family to find housing.
  2. Ask God for jobs that will allow them to do ministry and to take care of Joe, who is a special needs child. Pray especially for Amy to work on a school schedule.
  3. Pray the Lugos will quickly re-adjust to living in the High Country and recognize changes in the resort culture.
  4. Ask God to provide both teachers and students for a potential English as a Second Language ministry.
  5. Pray for people to attend Bible study and make commitments to Jesus. Seven attended the first Bible study.