
There are 4.9 million unreached people in Colorado.

Sharing the gospel of Jesus with each of them is a daunting task. But we don’t have to work alone.

Together we can reach them.

How Our Partnership Impacts Colorado

How To Give

You can download the following form, attach your check, and mail it to:

Colorado Baptists
10390 Bradford Rd
Littleton, CO 80127

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” —Matthew 28:19

the financial fuel for reaching

every person in every town, every city, every state, and every nation

How the Cooperative Program Works

Church Members

Church members give back to God a percentage of their income. This is traditionally called a tithe and represents 10 percent of what God has provided.

Local Churches

Churches receive tithes and offerings from church members and commit a percentage of undesignated receipts for missions and ministries beyond the church walls.

State Missions & Ministries

A portion of the gifts from Colorado churches support missions and ministries in our state, and the remaining balance is forwarded to the SBC

Southern Baptist Missions & Ministries

The SBC compiles the gifts forwarded from state conventions for missions and ministries across the United States and around the world.