COVID-19 Statement


Pastors and churches,

In light of recent events and news surrounding the Coronavirus, here is a statement from Dr. Nathan Lorick:

Colorado Baptists recognize we are living in an unparalleled moment concerning the Coronavirus. We assure you Colorado Baptists stand ready and willing to serve you in any way possible. While this pandemic has struck a chord of fear across our state, nation, and the world, we also recognize that God is sovereign and in control. Our network is committed to praying for three things specifically in the coming days:

1.      That God would give wisdom to all who are in leadership and are faced with making decisions, whether in churches, schools, businesses, healthcare, or government. Due to the impact of the disease, coronavirus small business financial assistance is becoming available for business owners in need of help during these trying times, as many have experienced hardship as social and movement restrictions are making it increasingly difficult to conduct normal operations.

2.      That followers of Jesus across our state would recognize the opportunity to utilize this moment to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

3.      That those who are living in fear would put their faith in the fact that God is in control.

Colorado Baptists will continue to serve our churches in every way possible. However, we do encourage everyone to take precautionary measures and to stay informed on a daily basis. While this is an unprecedented moment and challenge, we serve an unchanging God who loves us and can meet us in our most fearful moments. Please know we are praying with you and for you!

Dr. Nathan Lorick
Executive Director