By Tammy Bachman, Harvest Community Church, Olathe, CO
On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Caleb invited his friend Justus to youth group. They had a great time of games, fellowship, and bible study that evening. After youth group ended Caleb gave Justus a ride home. Little did they know God was about to move mightily on that short trip down some back-country roads. The boys made small talk for a while as they drove and then it got quiet. The conversation in the car may have ended, but the conversation in Caleb’s mind didn’t.
Seventeen-year-old Caleb Bachman has lived a lifestyle of missions. The Bachman family moved from Texas to rural western Colorado to become church planters when Caleb was 9 years old. Living in the one light town of Olathe has allowed Caleb and his 3 sisters to become well known in the community. This past October, Caleb was even voted senior class Homecoming King by his classmates. That’s an honor he didn’t take lightly since he ran against kids who have lived in Olathe their entire lives. Caleb just wrapped up his senior year and Justus finished his sophomore year, but the boys have built a relationship through the time and dedication they have to the wrestling team.
Caleb recounts the events of the car ride that cold February evening:
“I was giving Justus a ride home. I had my hand on the steering wheel. I was nervous but excited. In my mind I kept saying, “Just do it. Just ask him. Ask him.”
I tried to stay calm and jumped into the conversation that was on my mind. I asked Justus about churches he’s attended in the past. We talked about that for a little while and then I said, “So… did you accept Christ at any of those churches?” Justus said that he hadn’t. We talked about the meaning of accepting Christ and then I did it! I asked him! I said, “Well, do you want to accept Christ as your Savior now? Is that something you’d like to do?”
Justus got really excited. His face lit up and he was filled with energy as he said, “Yes.”
I parked the car in Justus’ driveway and called my dad on speaker phone. I was so excited that my voice was shaking. I said, “Dad, Justus wants to accept Christ. Will you help us?” And then my dad lead Justus to Christ right there in his driveway.
It was one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been a part of.
My dad, Jeff Bachman, is the pastor of Harvest Community Church in Olathe. He’s been leading our church through the “Who’s Your One?” Campaign through the North American Mission Board. My dad asked everyone in our church to pick someone and commit to pray for their salvation.
Justus was my one.
Two days later my dad met with us to talk about Justus’ salvation and about him getting baptized. My dad told him about the importance of following Jesus’ example of baptism. He told him about how baptism is a witness to the people of the church and how it is also a witness to those who don’t know Christ yet. He encouraged Justus to invite friends from school to come to the baptism service.
A few days later we were on the bus to a wrestling meet. I was in the back of the bus and Justus was up toward the front. I heard something and when I looked up I saw Justus pointing to the guys on the team one by one and saying things like, “You’re gonna be at my baptism, right? You’re gonna come? It’s important. You’ve got to be there to support me.”
And one by one the guys all said, “Yes, I’ll be there.”
Justus\’ excitement is contagious. News of the baptism service spread and on March 15th Justus was baptized along with another one of my friends and 4 kids in our church. Seventy-seven people were there that day in our small church cheering Justus and the others on. My dad let me help baptize Justus and my other friend since I was there when they both accepted Christ as their Savior. God is doing amazing things and I’m excited to be a part of it!”